Bad Penguin is a recent 2D-animation project development. This 40-sec promotional teaser, launched at CTN Expo in LA last November, gives a little insight the poor, angst-ridden penguin's complex personality. This trailer for both the film and game concept has been generously financed by Kickstarter supporters who all wish to see a return of top-draw 2D animation. We therefore hope the expanded teaser will ultimately enable us to establish an independently-based studio/academy that can move the best of our tradition forward. Here's the work-in-progress so far...
Bad Penguin tells the story of the human, Cooper, a blind jazz musician who befriends an angry, armed-to-the-teeth penguin that wishes to show Clover City how it feels about Christmas. In a world where a man’s life is worth less than the change in his pockets, can a blind man teach the bird that people and Christmas are both worthwhile? Though an animated film & game concept, Bad Penguin is conceived for a more mature audience. Sex, drugs, violence and bigotry are all harsh realities in Bad Penguin's world. Plus killer jazz music! If Quentin Tarantino and Bugs Bunny had a love-child with wings it would definitely be this penguin! This project will ultimately have all the animation qualities of golden-age Disney - yet all wrapped-up in the sensibilities of Pulp Fiction!
Check out our latest progress at